Melisa Zimmerman
Melisa was born and raised in Western Oklahoma. She grew up in the Baptist Church and moved quickly into entrepreneurship as the owner of a floral shop and style shop. This was interrupted by a twenty-year journey into a marriage that was not God’s best for her. It did produce three great kids, Mark, Levon, and Mariah, all of whom are serving God today. While raising three kids, she managed to find time to get her BS in Nursing from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, Oklahoma. Melisa worked for the Oklahoma University College of Nursing for nine years before moving on to a staff position at Victory Church leading the Small Groups Department with over 100 groups and small group leaders; a position she has held for the several years. A certified Life Coach, Jimmy Evans-Marriage on the Rock Certified, and master multi-tasker, she skillfully writes curriculum, blogs and books, presents her material at various speaking engagements, and pitches in with Great Dane Rescue in her spare time.
Steve Zimmerman
Steve was born and raised in Minnesota. He was raised nearly Catholic, and after firing God, re-emerged as a Presbyterian. Steve brings twenty years of all types of relationship chaos history into their marriage of thirteen years. An accomplished wordsmith and a lifelong motor mouth, he is more than happy to share all that God has shown him during their on-going conversation over the last dozen or so years. Surviving in the awkward and challenging world of mortgages during the housing crash has led him to a unique conversational skillset. Serving in church since receiving salvation, Steve is a certified Biblical Counselor, a certified Life Coach, Jimmy Evans-Marriage on the Rock Certified, committed teacher, small group leader, and teaches a new believers class. He has displayed the same devotion to the bride of Christ as he has to his bride, Melisa.
Together, Steve and Melisa have purposed to bring all their experiences and training to bear in preparing couples for marriage, enriching marriages, and repairing marriages. They have a special place in their hearts for speaking into blended families as they have walked that path since they met. Their mission continues to be “Building and Rebuilding Bridges in Relationships”.